Monday, July 07, 2008

My Turn

Ok, a week later and I am taking my turn at the play by play. After reading Jordan's I am wondering if he really has a twin. One that sat next to me and held my hand and kissed my forehead during it all and one that blogged! Weird!

Anyway, My take on the event might be different. We'll see. Dr. Hintz came in to my room about 8:15 and asked if I wanted to go home? I told him to get going! I was so excited. After the exam and the administering of the 'goo' as Jordan called it, he asked the question again. This time I said I thought I may have actually changed my mind and be ready to go back home. The baby could just stay in me! And Jordan and the nurse and Dr. thought I accidently gave the Dr. the wasn't on accident! His dry sense of humor was a little too much for me at that moment!

The contractions started immedietly when he stood up. And they were hard and one was very long - Id have to say 10 minutes. The nurse and Dr. stayed right by my side staring at the screens until that ended. Tess handled that very well so they let me be. I took a bath which helped and then by the time I got out we were really into heavy labor. The nurse said she could check me and I'd probably be able to get my epidural. I said How!? Ive only been here like an hour! She said that's the way it goes with the 'goo'. So I said sure, an epidural would be really really great right now. So she checked me and said I was ready for it. She left to call the anesthesiologist and then I started really hurting. I actually threw up. Ive never done that in labor before. And contractions and vomiting are not a fun combo!

So then I got my epidural, from the 20 year old anesthesiologist (he was really in his 30's but looked like a baby). I was then happy. At about 12 I told Jordan I was going to take a nap. Aparently he was blogging! Then suddenly I said forget it, Jordan's its time. The baby is here! He ripped back my covers to make sure there was no baby laying on the bed like there had been with Sullivan. I told him to hit the call button for the nurse. Well he couldnt find it so I think I beat on it about 12 times. She arrived and I said, its time! She freaked out because she was afraid Id have a repeat Sullivan experience as well.

The Dr. came in and I pushed twice and there was Tess.

With Lauren's birth I had a terrible time and had surgery immedietly after , I literally have practically no memory of it and I am told that I am lucky for that. With Avery and Sully they came so fast that I didn't even really know it was happening till it was over. But with Tess, I knew it was happening, I had to push and I had the perfect amount of pain medicine. I focused my attention on Jordan. His eyes went from horror, to disgust to awe and back and forth. After 4 times of this, he cried like a baby himself and was the perfect coach.

I was excited/scared to have the kids come visit. When Avery and Lauren came to visit after I had Sully I bawled when they left - how could I do it?!?!?! But this went much smoother. Lauren and Avery are just so excited and so ready to be big sisters and mommy's helpers. Lauren just wanted to hold Tess and stare at her face. Avery wanted to see my stomach, see any owies present and then investigate the baby's belly, eyes, and watch the diaper changes. She wanted to check out all the buttons and gadgets around me and was loving the whole experience!

Sully, no longer my baby, crawled up on the bed with me and said, I hold her? But after about 25 seconds he'd had enough. He was more interested in running around - same old Sully! He seems SO huge now. His little hands aren't as little, his skinny body doenst feel as light. It makes me really sad. There are fewer things in live I love more than a 2 year old...even the naughty ones! I want him to stay little!

Tess seems to be adjusting to all the chaos in our house well. I think she is used to the noise from what she heard in the womb. I think she actually sleeps better in the noise than in silence!

I feel so blessed to have 4 healthy children. Time can now stop for awhile so we can just sit back and enjoy them!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

loved getting your side of the story!! :)
can't wait to meet tess!!
i think she looks like lauren...