Tuesday, December 08, 2009


When God closes a door, Somewhere He opens a window
- Maria, The Sound of Music

We've made a life changing decision in our house. One that has not come easily. One that has left me with many, many sleepless nights over the past 4 weeks, and to be honest more like 6 months. Getting there wore me out and stressed me out in ways I have never known. But now that it is here, I am finding a peace in knowing that I am doing exactly what God wants. A peace in knowing that I'm following His plan.

I gave my resignation at my job. I currently work 3 days per week but I will be done at the end of this year. I am leaving the job I've had for 6 years. A job I've LOVED for 6 years. A job I've felt great passion for and pride in. The hardest part is that I COULD continue to do this work for years. I honestly saw myself working there for, well, forever. The place I work is booming and growing and exciting and etc. ect. So, its hard to explain to others, Why? Why am I leaving.

Well, God has a different plan. He started telling me in little ways and then bigger ways - that He has a new gig for me.

I will be staying home with my children full time, for the first time.

While this is likely one of the hardest things we've ever had to figure out, like I said I have loved this job, now that the decision is made we are filled with such peace. Jordan and I were so in awe when we sat and really looked at how we got here. At decisions and choices we made even years ago...that were all progressing to this. That even though we knew nothing about any of this, God did. He had it in his plan all along. None of this was by accident. This is His plan for us NOW. Not before, but now. I couldn't have done this before. He did not lay this on my heart until know. And I LOVE to see Him work.

I love knowing that my Lord and Savior had me in his sights and this very decision in His plan long long before I knew I'd even have the decision to make. And that's whats so amazing. That while we cant always look ahead of us and see or know God's plan, He does allow us, at times, to look behind us. And realize that His plan was there, soverign and right. That is so powerful.

And yes, I do know that there will be times when I'm standing in my kitchen with my kids that I will wish I were back sitting in the board room...But I also know that I will never again have to sit in the board room and wish I were standing in my kitchen with my kids.

And its awesome knowing that through this God has been holding our hands, leading us, to a destination we did not know. Our best interests in His heart. And I guess that is just one of the blessings of knowing that we are walking in His Will, the peace of being able to know that your decision was right.

And tonight that makes me feel so very loved, and so very excited for everything that He might have in store for us in the future...


Cassie's mom :) said...

I cannot think of anything more important than to snatch up all the time you can with your beautiful fast growing children!! Congratulations on your decision and God bless!!!! :) You will not regret it!! :)

Cassie said...

congrats!! :)
i know this has been a hard decision.
love you!

Rosanna said...

Oh, Becky! I am so excited for you and for the kids!!!! This is great news. It is so encouraging to see how God is working in your life, and to know that I'm not the only one who spends sleepless nights thinking about the future before I make a decision. Thank you for sharing.

I know you're all going to enjoy this new schedule. And should you ever need a brief break, you know my phone number :)

Meghan said...

Congrats! Those decisions can be so hard...but it is amazing how it works out. I will miss seeing you at the day care!

D G Curren said...

You don't need to explain your decision.....one just needs to take a peek at your 4 little ones to understand. : )

Happy for you!

Ellie said...

Very exciting Becky! So glad you have peace in it and no regrets. Congrats!

Courtney said...

wow! that's HUGE! thanks for sharing!!! exciting!

Sarah Guild said...

I love how God knows the plans for us before we do... our only role is seeking him and he will be our guide. Blessings to all of you as you start this new season of life :+)

Jamie J said...

Congratulations on your decision! How exciting!!1

Choose Joy said...

Someone once told me that, "your worst day at home is better than your best day at work." Congratulations!

pambuller said...

that is so cool, Becky!

i love how you worded the "board room" paragraph.

congratulations! i love your strong and unwavering faith,too.