Sunday, February 12, 2012

his cake

So like I said, he wanted 'the whole world' on his cake.
At one point he said he wanted to play RISK ON his cake. 
Thankfully he forgot about that. 

Mandy did such a great job on the cake. 
I was so excited for him to see it! 

 And he was so pumped. He thought it would be flat. 

Please notice his shirt...Grandma Cindy thought he needed a special shirt to match his cake! 
He loved it. 

I think he liked it Mandy! 

 Six years old! 

 Make a wish!!

(If you'd like to hire Mandy please!


yoderyears said...

Oh, I love it! His facial expressions are priceless! And, I love that Avery is standing there with a huge smile watching her brother. So sweet!

Thanks for letting me be a part of his celebration! :)

Happy Birthday, Sully!!

Ellie said...

So cool!!