Sunday, December 16, 2012


Jordan and I returned late this afternoon from our annual 'pre-Christmas' trip away. 
We headed back to Galena for the perfect long weekend. 

However, after the horrible events in Newtown on Friday we were both anxious to return to our kids and hug them extra close. I love being surrounded by these kids. My blessings are innumerable. 

Tonight we had a special supper and now everyone is snuggled up watching a Christmas movie and spending the night under the Christmas tree. 
Never forget to live every day to the fullest and tell those you love that they make life worth living.  

Sitting here tonight, surrounded by my family, anticipating Christmas, thankful for a baby in a manager who became a Savior on a cross, and wrapped up in love I am reminded that the evil in this world does not win...Christ has won and soon He will return. 

"in me you may have peace. In this world you will have tribulation. But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

1 comment:

Jennie Peakin said...

Love John 16:33. I needed to see it today! Thank you.