Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Sullivan Joseph!!!!

Oh my, oh my, Sullivan. 
Its hard to even know where to begin a birthday post about you. 

At 7 you are so ... totally... you.
Its really about the only way to describe it. 
And if people know you, they know exactly what that means. 

You are a ball of energy. 
Your body is almost constantly in motion. 

And your mouth is almost constantly in motion. 
You are ALWAYS talking. 

And you are always at a volume completely inappropriate for wherever we are! 

You are always in our face. 
Saying, I love you!
or asking hundreds of questions a day. 
You do not know the definition of 'personal space'!
You think everyone needs a all times. 
You love to touch. 

Oh Sully, our boy. 
We love you from the bottom of our being. 

Many times during our days your dad and I will look at each other and give each other a certain look...its the look that says, 'we are SO very happy and blessed to have a boy'. 
To have you as our son. 

You are smart, stubborn, appreciative and determined. 
Sneaky, affectionate and LOUD. 
Pesky, fidgety, compassionate and hilarious. 

You keep our house guessing and full of laughter. 
You are our comedian and our dark eyed terror. 
You love to wrestle and run. 
You love to eat, especially desserts. 

There is nothing you want more than time with your dad. 
I love watching your relationship with him. 

At 7 you love time with your grandmas, friends and the outdoors. 
You enjoy any type of video game. 
You rarely play with toys. 
But you love building sets and creating. 
You LOVE science and making concoctions! 

I have loved teaching you this year in school. 
Watching your eyes as you read and seeing you JUMP when you 'get' a new concept. 
I am so blessed to sit beside you as your mind grows. 

Sullivan, the sky is the limit for your future. 
I know you can do anything and I fully believe you will change the world in some great way in your life. 

Sullivan, 7 years ago God answered our prayers and gave us a son. 
We are daily thankful for this! 

Thank you little boy for filling our hearts with love and our house with noise! 
You were created for us and we are so very happy that you came to be ours! 

Happy 7th Birthday Sullivan! 
You have our hearts. 


Anonymous said...

We love you Sully! Life is certainly more exciting with you in it!

Anonymous said...

We love you Sully! Life is certainly more exciting with you in it!