Monday, September 02, 2013


Part of this year's curriculum is studying the biblical feasts. 
Last week we talked about the Sabbath and so tonight we put on our own Sabbath meal...

There is so much symbolism involved and I only just touched the surface with the kids. 
We had a lot of fun preparing...pulling out the good dishes, candle sticks, wine goblets ect. 
I recommend researching this and doing it with your family. 

Sullivan was very serious about getting the table just perfect. 

This was my homemade apple strudel. 
It was actually very yummy. 

However, in the interest of keeping it real.
It spilled all over my oven and Jordan had to rescue me. 
The smoke detectors were getting a work out. 

The chaullah bread. 
It kind of got bigger than I thought. 

But was also very yummy!

We had to do the ceremonial had washing. 
They got a kick of out that. 

The girls made our chaullah coverings. 

The kids behaved very well and really were interested in the symbols. 
It was fun to learn more about it. 

(I had a little trouble holding it together during part of the mom had wanted so badly to do some of the feasts. I never made this happen for her. In fact I rarely even listened to her talk about it...just nodded. I'd give anything to go back and have had her with us for this night. 
So learn from me...listen to your loved ones and help them make some of their wishes come true.)


Choose Joy said...

Ooooh, that looks like fun. Will have to try that with the family. Keep the nerdy homeschool ideas coming;)

Ellie said...

very cool! Your mom was smiling!