Monday, December 30, 2013


Alright, quick recap of the past week and a half. 

a. my camera batter died. 
b. I lost my charger in Europe. 
c. I ordered one and then Best Buy decided not to have it in stock after waiting a week to tell me. 
d. Christmas with my brother and his family in St. Louis was wonderful. 
e. Christmas Eve with Jordan's family was wonderful and chaotic. 
f. I got Influenza A the day after Christmas

And there you have it. 

Someday I'll do a better Christmas recap but in all honesty, even though I didn't want it to be this way, I am just happy to have survived it this year. The week and a half before Christmas was low for me. I had tried so hard to keep my focus but my emotions got the better of me and I was low. 
Then I got sick. Sicker than I've ever been in my life. EVER. 

Here is my piece of advice...Do not get cocky and think you dont need the flu shot. 
You do. 
You always do. 

So anyway, 2014 is coming. 
Wow, that sounds good. 
A new start!
An entire new year!

Due to my sickness we've had to rearrange our plans for NYE but I will tell you that Im actually very excited to be home with the kids and celebrate what lies ahead with them. 

Good bye 2013....


Rosanna and Isaiah said...
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Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear you were sick on top of celebrating your first Christmas without your Mom. :( You are definitely in our prayers. Hope New Year's is wonderful!

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear you were sick on top of celebrating your first Christmas without your Mom. :( You are definitely in our prayers. Hope New Year's is wonderful!

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear you were sick on top of celebrating your first Christmas without your Mom. :( You are definitely in our prayers. Hope New Year's is wonderful!

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Wow. Can you say phone spasms? Sorry. I didn't mean to repeat myself multiple times....

Tiffany said...

A new year with a new moon. Nature is doing her part at getting us a fresh start! Feel better and see you at some point in the next 366 days.

Courtney Cassada said...

so sad to hear you were sick. that STINKS! the flu IS the worst!!