Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sullivan's Sleepover Birthday Party

Sullivan begged for a sleepover birthday party. 
I was hesitant, as any mother of a second grade boy would be. 
But I gave in and told him the guest list had to be small and that they would not be up past midnight.  

After we established that it would be a sleepover he got into the real party planning. 
He loves to select a party theme!

I was happy when he chose the Olympics!

Mandy did an AMAZING job on the cake. 
Sully and I were both thrilled with it. 

The guests arrived right after school. 
The boys headed right out to the frigid temps to sled and play football in the snow. 

After warming up with some pizza it was cake time!

 Um cuteness much?
Judd, Sullivan, Jalen and Tate

Bite the medals boys!

I love him. 

This is so Sullivan...really getting into it while the boys sang to him. 

And really getting ready to blow out those 8 candles!

Make a wish!

The boys all did great and as promised...were asleep before midnight!