Monday, April 07, 2008

A boy and his Barbie trike

It was a great weekend for playing outside and digging out all those outdoor toys we've been missing.
We are having so much fun watching Sully. Last year he wasn't able to walk or do the things that most kids his age would be doing. He had to crawl everywhere, couldnt ride on bikes or ride on toys without close supervision and really didnt like being outside too much because he couldnt do what he wanted.

This year we have a different boy. No longer content to sit on the sidelines and watch his sisters. He loves helping Jordan. He loves racing to claim his favorite bike/trike and heading around the corner on it before I am even out the door. A couple of times we actually found Sully in the yard when we thought he was inside with us! He has figured out not only how to open the door but to unlock it!

Last night Jordan had him outside and when it was time to come in, Sully just wasn't ready. He didn't complain - just compromised. He picked up his trike and carried it in with him. I'm sure he was thinking, "Fine, I'll come in, but you'll have to pry this thing from my kung fu grip, because I am not giving it up." So we let him bring it in and he rode it around the house for awhile...great habit to start I am sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so delighted you have a boy, once again proves that God is right, there are boys and there are girls...even if it is a barbie I love these grand children!!