Monday, May 12, 2008


You know those women you hear about on the news...the ones that deliver a baby and say, "I didn't even know I was pregnant."

COME ON. What did you think was moving in your stomach? Because the baby in mine can kick and move so hard and so strong that I'd swear my stomach might just rip open or that bones could be broken.
Also, what did you think was going on with your body? Did you think the searing pain in your hips was just some normal thing?



Anonymous said...

You know what I love about Becky? She's passionate about things...some may have a different word for it(Hint: an Alfred Hitchcock movie with the character Norman Bates)

I think we all better agree with her on this one, she seems pretty angry. Reaching the major uncomfortable stage and still having to wait two months... This could be torture.

Beckysblog said...

I can pretty much guarantee that after that post - we all know who it is going to be torture for!
