Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Every year I struggle to find an answer to Jordan's question: "What do you want most for Mother's Day?" Usually my answer is; a nap.
This year I didnt struggle with my answer. All I wanted was a PRODUCTIVE WEEKEND!

And I'd have to say I got it. Along with a nap today. The den/playroom is painted and ready to be cleaned and put back together. The trim is all up in the girls new room and it is really starting to look great. It is very exciting for us to see. We still have some priming and painting to do but we are close and so is Steve, our 'builder man' the kids call him.

The new flooring gets laid on the 22nd and 23rd so we have less than two weeks to really finish things up. But we are getting close!!! :)

It was a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. I had breakfast in bed and I love seeing how much the kids want to please me and make the day special, especially Lauren. She has such a sweet, giving spirit. She is going to be one amazing mom someday.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

that was my "gift" too! pat finished almost EVERYTHING on the "to do" list that i have him! it was GREAT!