Monday, September 01, 2008


We had an extremely full and fun filled weekend.
Pictures on Friday night, camping out in the tent on Saturday night(we made it till 10:30 when it became clear that Sullivan was NEVER going to fall asleep). Sunday we had church and lunch at my mom's and then we took all 4 kids with us shopping. They did GREAT! Saying that will no doubt make our next trip a disaster but this time they were all perfect. And we got tons done so it was a good trip.
Sunday night Jordan and I stayed up late with my brother and niece playing Pepper and then a work day and lunch at my mom's with my brothers and a couple cousins and all their kids.
Tons of fun. And now, some really worn out kids and parents!

I start back to work tomorrow. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ok. And truly I am. For 1, Jordan will be home with the kids this week, 2, I love my job, 3, we have a great babysitter and 4, I work 2 days one week and 3 the I get to be a stay at home mom and a working mom at the same time. I am truly blessed.

Now, next week when I take Tess to the sitter for the first time I'll probably need some hugs and have to shed some tears, but this week - I'm good.

Looks like life is going to get on a schedule for us whether we want it to or not.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

wow! big stuff! hope the new schedules go well!