Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Help #2

About a month a goal I set a goal for myself to be totally done Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving. So far it is going very well. I am actually done with a few people on my list and I believe I know what I am getting for everyone else...with the exception of Lauren and Avery.
I have practically no ideas. So, I need some help. We dont do a ton for them for Christmas but I like them to get things that they really like from us...
Both of them like arts and crafts but dont really sit and play with 'toys' a bunch. They'd rather be making something or possibly playing a game...

here's what we already have:
2 great dollhouses and TONS of pieces and sets to go with them
Way too many Barbies that are rarely played with
Lots of Polly Pockets that are played with a little more than the Barbies.
Tons of dress-up clothes that get played a lot but Im just not sure how many more we really need?

So, anyway, they are almost 7 and 4. Any ideas for some good gifts? or one large gift for them?

thanks again!


Tiffany said...

I was at a craft show a couple weekends ago and saw a super cute hand painted table and chairs. You could add a tea set and the Disney "Princess Tea" CD. You can get them custom made to sing your child's name as part of the song. I have the info if you're interested. Not sure if Lauren is too old? That's all I got. Taylor's at a very easy gift buying stage!

Tiffany said...
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Jen said...

Last year we got Carly and art easel complete with paints, dry erase markers, chalk, and a paint shirt. One side has paper to paint on and a dry erase board, the other has a chalk board.

She has LOVED this. When she is not painting her beautiful creations she is playing school or whatever with the other side..very worth is.

I think we got it from Toys R Us, if you're interested.

Courtney said...

we shopped for our kids this past weekend. we got bailey an art set (a case with crayons, paint, markers, etc) - at toys r us - they have some REAL cool ones - for her age (3) and for older too! they have quite a range. she'll LOVE having something that's JUST hers!