Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dream Days...

Lately I feel like each of my kids individually is getting too little attention. And as a whole it is hard to really enjoy them ... at least for long periods of time! ;)
I also feel like I am getting the bad end of the deal because I am missing out on some time with them that I don't want to miss.

So I started thinking that if I had four dream days I'd spend them like this:

1. I'd spend a day with Lauren. I would let her read to me for hours without getting up. Then I'd read to her for awhile too. I'd do countless crafts with her and never say, just a second...or maybe when we have more time. I'd listen to her tell me stories from school without fixing supper at the same time or folding laundry. I'd look through her school bag with her and let her explain each and every paper. I'd hold her hand and take her out for an ice cream treat. I'd let her feel big.

2. I'd spend a day with Avery. I'd cuddle with her as long as possible. I'd just take in her 4 year oldness and hold on very very tight...because she loves that right now.
I'd color with her and help her draw things the way she wants. I'd play school and barbies and doll house with her and never get up because I had to feed the baby. I'd take her up town and let her look at all the pretty Christmas things in the specialty shops. I'd let her look for hours. I'd bake something with her because she LOVES that.I'd let her sing and make-up songs and I'd sing along and laugh and laugh!

3. I'd spend a day with Sullivan. I'd let him be 2...instead of expecting more from him. I'd play cars with him and watch him build roads with legos and trains with legos (2 of his new favorite things). I'd let him put the movie CARS on although he never even watches it once I put it on. I'd take him on a walk and we'd play our matching game. We pick out a color and he finds everything around him that matches. I'd count semis and diggers with him. I'd let him eat messy and play rough. I'd let him be a boy.

4. I'd spend a day with Contessa. I'd let her take her naps with me on the couch. I wouldn't set her down. I'd sing to her and make her giggle. I'd lie on the floor with her and play toys the entire day. I'd let her stay in her bath for a very long time.

Oh my sweet kids I pray that you know how much I love you. That even when you cannot see it in my face, you feel it from my heart. That when I lean in at night to get one last sniff of your hair and to feel your soft cheeks against mine one last time before I turn out the light and close the door, that you know, deep down, that you are my world. Even when it seems a little turned upside down, you are my world.


Courtney said...

speaking my heart, friend!

Anonymous said...

One thing have learned is that time is one of the most precious wonders of grace that the Lord has granted to us, always goes too fast..thankfully, He as made children programed to remember the good and not the rubish...for some reason, none of you remember the many times I was short, or ran out of time....the most wonderful thing to recall is that is that in Glory, TIME WILL BE NO MORE!!!!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Beautiful. Can you write some posts like this for me? You're so much more eloquent than I am, and you capture a mom's heart so well.

Melanie said...


Cassie said...

those days sound perfect.
just perfect.
i get it....