Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Day!

It might be my favorite day of the year!

PuMpKiN PaTcH DaY!

There was no school today so we were joined but all of our friends!
The little place we go is so perfect for our kids and we had it all to ourselves. 

There is swinging in the hay loft. 

Playin' in the corn pit.

Little tractor rides...

A big trailer ride...seriously look at that blessed by all my 
wonderful friends and all their amazing kids! :)

Horsey swings!

Some huggin' in the corn maze! 

Hand holdin' on the trailer...

Chasing lots and lots of animals! 

 Oh little Tori and puppies! 
She wants one so very bad! 

I tried for a good pic of them all. 
Not terrible. 

Brooklyn and Avery were reunited after a week apart. 

This pic is from right when we got home...
Tess borrowed a Tinkerbelle costume from Ellie for Halloween.
We had not gotten the crown from them yet.
So today Tess was bawling and going on and on at the pumpkin patch because Sully had done this or that to her. So then Tess notices I am holding the crown that Amy had just handed to me. 
Instantly the tears stopped. The whining ceased.
And her voice went to a sing-song one saying, 'Oh, my crown!'
Very very funny!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a beautiful day to make some memories. And I feel so blessed to have all of you! Couldn't ask for more!!