Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday, Avery Elizabeth!

Why is it that my kids never keep the promises they make me about turning another year older? 

Again, without permission, my Avery had a birthday today. 

8 years. 
Gone in a blink. 

Growing up seems to be a bit more mournful when its Avery. 
Probably because there has been no easier or delightful or happy little one as Avery. 
She has always been a joy to parent, a joy to be around. 

As she ages she is still a joy. 
A constant beam of happiness in our house. 
Truly, just a bit of total sweetness in our crazy house of maddness. 

However also with age comes a bit more seriousness. 
A bit more thinking about hard things. 
A bit more heart break when she feels too much.
She is easily crushed...whether it be by a rude mark by a friend or a scolding from her dad.
But thankful she is usually easy to bring back around too.
She worries a lot...just like her mom.

Avery, 8 years ago they laid my second born baby girl in my arms and I stared at you in wonder. How could you have been a girl when you were so very active in my tummy? How could you be so tiny and yet still so squirmy and full of movement as a new born? How could you make me feel so very very full of light when you were so young? 

You've always been our giggler, our dreamer, our adventurer and our picky eater!

Our thoughtful schemer.
Our one who cares to much how she looks and worries too much what others might think. 
Our fashionista and our dirty tom-boy.
Our grateful helper and our selfish last dessert stealer. 
A tattletale and a sneak.
A lover of fun and laughter. 

You are such a wonderful big sister. So full of affection and fun for your little sisters. 

You are sneaky and beautiful. 
Full of smiles and hugs. 
You are kind and funny. 
Your eyes go from the most beautiful deep deep blue to the most scary raging storms in the blink of an eye...we never have to guess if you are sad or angy, happy or elated! 
Sorry, sweetie you get that from your mom too! 

Avery when I have a bad day I want you by my side to brighten it. 
When I am feeling low you can bring a smile to my heart and a song to my spirit like no one else. 

Our dreams for you are limitless...but you have already made us the most proud parents. 
Thank you for the sunshine you've brought to us each and every day. 

You are 'A Very' Good Girl. 
And we love you more than words could ever say. 

Happy 8th Birthday Baby. 
Our hearts are yours. 


Cassie said...

Haapy happy 8 yrs! Wow...seems impossible. What a perfect description of avery. We love her...

Ellie said...

Happy Birthday sweet Avery!!

mama barb said...

No one can ever take your place in my are too much as me..

How I love you A Very good girl..


Beckysblog said...

It is my birthday!!!!! I can't believe it is my birthday already!!!! Oh this avery for the first time!