Monday, January 06, 2014

Blizzard Donuts

My mom had a tradition of making her homemade donuts every year at the first blizzard. Then she'd invite us all over to enjoy. They were super yummy!

We are not having a blizzard today...
However we are having this...

And wind chills like this...

Some of the coldest temps in over 20 years. And schools cancelled. I've NEVER seen school cancel because of cold. This is Iowa! We don't cancel unless there's at least a foot if snow and it's blowing around like a tornado. We are made of tough stuff! ;)

But we still have a day off due to weather today. So we are picking up grandma's tradition. Inviting friends over and making donuts!

Only we are making 'easy' donuts with Avery's donut maker.

Stay warm! 

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