Thursday, January 30, 2014

Love unfailing

Some friends and I were talking recently about how we feel at bedtime....
Like the kids bedtime. 

We all were pretty much in agreement that there are nights when the words 'one more story' are the most painful words we can hear. There are nights when we just want to yank the covers up, mumble good night and exit their rooms as quickly as possible and perhaps even slam the doors on our way out. 
My poor children deserve more. 

Our love fails. 


We fail in how we love our children, our husbands, our loved ones and our friends. 

Later that day I heard the song, 
by Jesus Culture.

It made me tear up realizing that He is so UNLIKE me. 
He is so perfect in His love. 
It NEVER fails. 



His mercies are new each and every morning. 
(Lamentations 3:21-24)


'Your love never fails, never gives up
never runs out on me.
On and on and on and on it goes
It overwhelms and satisfies my soul
And I never, ever, have to be afraid.
One thing remains:
Your love never fails, never gives up, 
never runs out on me. 
Your love never fails, never gives up,
never runs out on me.'

Then I read this quote posted by a friend on Facebook.
'He is not moody or capricious; He knows no seasons of change. He has a single relentless stance toward us: He loves us.' (Manning)

It made me so grateful.
Because I AM moody and capricious and I do change with the wind and I am not relentless.

(Side note...I know nothing of this Manning credited with the quote, he could be a complete flake...
but this quote spoke to me and its true, so Im re-quoting it.)

Its nice to be reminded that I am secure in Him. 
And that I can also remind my children that while Mommy and Daddy are going to fail them, time and time again, His love will never fail them. 
And it will never give up.
Our relationship with Him is the only one that will never let us down.
We look to Him as our strength and rock...not those around us. 

His Love Never Fails.

Even at the end of a very long and hard day. 

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