Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy birthday week(ish) to me!

When I was born my dad started the 'birthday week' rule. (Cause obviously I was his favorite.)
I've demanded this tradition continue into adulthood.
So last Saturday I met up with my birthday triplets, Jama and Meghan and we did a little shopping and had lunch to celebrate our shared birthday on the 3rd.

Then Jordan surprised me on Monday night with an impromptu date night.

And yesterday my friends held a little party for Meghan and me. 

I'd say this birthday week is on the right track!

Somehow I misses taking a picture at the first two birthday events but we did get some yesterday. 

Meghan and I with just a few of the kids helping us celebrate!

Meghan's cake.(anatomically correct and everything...way to go Mandy!)
Meghan teaches fitness classes...the cake fit her perfectly.

And.... My cake. CRAZY CAT LADY!
I would like to clarify that I own one cat. ONE.
However I've been dubbed the crazy cat lady. And I'll happily accept the title.
(Although for my own pride I will add that one of the children thought Meghan's cake was mine because I work out too!)

I couldn't bee more thankful for my friends. And I only get a mild set of the shakes when I think about leaving them next year!!! 1.5 hours is still close !!!

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