Friday, August 15, 2008

Bad Combo

The combination of these three things has been killer:
a. Having a newborn (although this particular newborn slept 7 hours last night!)
b. Vacation Bible School
c. Staying up to watch the Olympics.

I am so glad it is FRIDAY!!!!

VBS went wonderfully. But unfortunetly a storm came through just in time for Family Fun Night and we had to move the activities in doors - including the llamas! The slip and slide and water balloons did not make it inside - the girls were SO bummed.


Meghan said...

The Olympics have been hard on my sleep also...but they are so fun. I keep saying that they only happen every 4 years.

Cassie said...

I KNOW! i love the olympics, but last night's women's gymnastics kept me up forever!! it was worth it though!

Andrea Dellit said...

i was DRAINED from staying up late! and i didn't have VBS and 4 kids!!!!
