Sunday, August 17, 2008

My little man...

I'm just so in love with this little boy. Sullivan has been growing up right before our eyes lately. Suddenly this summer, especially in the last month, he can talk in full sentances and tell us everything. Although a lot of what he says is only clear to us, my fears about his speech have disappeared. He is constantly talking now. And he is funny.
One night this week as he was walking up the stairs to bed he was carrying his blankie, the new stuffed dinosaur he got at VBS, a piece of paper and a small balloon. I said, "Buddy, why dont you let me carry something?" "ok" he said. "What do you want me to carry?" I asked. He turned around and looked up at me with those big blue eyes and smiled and said, "ME!" and then he laughed. I happily picked him up.

I was so proud of Sully during VBS. He sat with his class during the opening and did the actions to the songs, sat when he was supposed to, stood when he supposed to and seemed to keep an eye on me at the same time. He loved craft time and was so proud to show me his work when the night is over.

I have trouble saying no to Sullivan and he knows it. A few nights a week he starts crying shortly after he is in bed. I go up and he stares at me with tears in his eyes and says, "I go down stairs for a little bit? I scared. Just a little bit." I would never have let the girls get out of bed with this trick. But with Sully, it works just about every time! Then he comes down and sits on the couch with us for about 20 minutes and then he's ready for bed. I think he really enjoys that special little time with just us. (Well, just us and Tess.)

I think the reason I give in to him is that he is a boy and I have this fear in my heart that once he reaches the age of 9, I may never get to touch him again. I'm trying to get all my snuggles and kisses in now. If I could keep him 2, I'd do it. I'm so thankful that God blessed us with a son.


Cassie said...

i know.
sons are very special to mommies, no doubt. brigg is killing me these days. i feel my time with him slipping through my fingers. so sad. but so excited to see what kind of man he turns into...

Melanie said...

Sully is such a sweetie. I love it when he sees me and runs to me for a quick hug!