Friday, June 13, 2014

SLOW down.....

Its officially been summer vacation for less than 2 weeks. 
But we have been on the go just about every single day. 
The kids sickness and exhaustion yesterday showed me that we needed to slow down a bit...

So today we walked to the library to turn in our summer reading logs and then have just been lazy. 
We all need it. 

Once I had Torrance down for a nap the 4 kids and I went outside and spread out a big blanket. 
I love them.

 For our own 'read-aloud reading' time this summer the kids wanted to read books that have been made into movies. I love love love reading out loud to my older kids. It has to be one of my favorite things right now. We started out on the big blanket outside today with this one...
Judging from the laughter and questions generated from the first 3 chapters, it is going to be a hit. 

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