Saturday, April 25, 2009


So it's a daddy weekend, Becky has a girls trip and I'm in baby jail(as a co-worker of mine would say).  Our weekend isn't going as planned with all the rain, but we are going to make the best of it.  Tess woke up early today, the girls were excited to be out of bed, and Sully woke up with a runny, yucky diaper.  There's been many more since, ughh!  By 10:00 I've changed six dirty diapers between Sully and Tess, washed my hands a dozen times, and gotten the febreze air freshener out only once because the stench consumed the entire room.  

Avery, Sully and I just got done playing Candyland.  Avery won, as she always does.  Sully ended the game by slamming his tippie on the board and splattering grape juice all over.  He takes losing like his mother.  Ouch, that has to hurt Becky!  She's known to end card games by screaming out "You cheated," slamming the door, and leaving me at her parents house.  Lauren refuses to play Candyland because Avery always wins.  Here is how the game went today: I got the rainbow trail, followed by getting the lollypop, the game was over as far as I was concerned.  As she always does, Avery gets the ice cream cone followed by double colors, and it ends with me and Avery both on the red spot one spot short of winning.  I'm up, and all I have to do is draw a color, any color!  But no, I get the peanut and she ends up winning.  I always hope one of them wins, and usually make sure they do win, but this was unbelievable how she came back.

We are off to have fun that you just can't have with mom around.  We are going to make a fort out of the couch cushions and watch a movie.  That never happens with mom, she's chief no fun.  Sorry you all have to deal with my posts over the weekend!  Got to keep this diary going.  Note to the girls - someday when you are older watch the video of you dancing to Paula Abdul's Forever Your Girl and Cindy Lauper's Girls Just Want to Have Fun.  Hilarious.


Andrea Dellit said...

oh my gosh! this was so funny! I was picturing you guys playing the games and the cushion forts...and the dancing...hilarious! I can't wait to see what's in store tomorrow!

Cassie said...

sounds like you have it under control, jordan.
can i drop my kids off, too??

Trina said...

Hey, easy on the "chief no fun." It's because we're the ones usually picking up after all you guys having the fun.

Anonymous said...

Having fun means you can actually take toys out of the toy bin! Love you Becky.


Anonymous said...

More the merrier, Cassie! Then they can keep each other entertained. I'm not ready to break up fights between Avery and Lauren every 15 minutes, but that's what is happening. Man, they can't get along at all right now. Tess and I wouldn't mind shipping the rest of the crew off for a few days. Also, I think the swine flu made it to Grundy Center - the number of runny diapers coming from Sullivan is ridiculous. I've been pumping him full of pedialite.

We need a dry, sunny day! This rainy weekend really messed things up.


Trina said...

Many runny diapers + putrid smell = rotovirus. Hope he's sleeping with a puke bucket.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jd ,
Hang there son, could be worse, could be no sign of relief...your father in law would have NEVER,Never have kept them, of course they were all BOYS, alone!!! Jordan when over there today said you were great and hopes if he can ever find the Right girl and have children, that he can be half the dad you have shown him!!

Love you and will pray that you remember that you are creating memories that will last Forever!!

Mama Barb