Thursday, April 02, 2009


So tonight, President Abraham Lincoln made a stop in our town. We took the kids and went to see him, along with half the town...

The history buffs with the President

Tipping his hat to Jason and Jalen

Its safe to say that not all the kids really understood what we were doing there. Before we went Avery said prayer before we ate supper, part of her prayer included, "And I pray for Mr. Lincoln, that he is our president forever."
When we got there Sullivan thought Abe was Sir Topp'm Hat from Thomas the Train. Then later Avery said in a disappointed voice, "Oh man, I thought we were here to see George Washington!"
And Jalen just wanted to make sure that Jordan knew, "red cars are FASTER!" He insisted on telling him that a couple times during the presentation. 
Maybe next time the President comes to town they'll enjoy it a bit more! 

1 comment:

Trina said...

That made me laugh out loud!