Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jordan leaves tomorrow for an extended weekend of golf with friends. He is really excited and I'm excited for him. (It helps that I get my weekend with friends next weekend!)

Whenever we have to spend a couple of nights away from each other its like we are in college again and having to say good bye to head back to our respective colleges. We get sappy and talk about missing each other. And we will miss each other, and tomorrow when he leaves, I'll cry. And he'll call me late at night and we'll talk and be excited to see each other again on Sunday night. We aren't good at being away from each other. Truly we are very sappy people. 

Its probably kind of silly after almost 10 years of marriage. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I like missing him and knowing that he'll be missing me.  And actually, its not silly, its how we should be. He's my best friend and there is no one else I'd rather be with. 

Have fun sweetie, but hurry back! 


Anonymous said...

I pray you will remain so as we did even after 40 years!!


Meghan said...

that is how Brian and I are too. I am glad we are not the only ones. I thought we were just being silly. We get all sappy, and I cry when he leaves on business.

Shannon/Jodi said...

Have a great weekend...and a great reunion on Sunday!