Saturday, April 18, 2009


Jordan and I worked pretty hard to come up with the top 5 gifts we felt God gave each of our girls. It was a lot of fun. 
Lauren and Avery we are so proud of the young ladies you are becoming. Never forget where your true beauty comes from, that God created you EXACTLY the way He planned. You are each one of a kind, treasures, both inside and out. 

1. Sense of Humor. Avery you have such a fun sense of humor. You can make people smile like no one else I know. You are just plain fun and people always laugh when talking with you.
2. Zest for Life.  Avery you dive head first into everything that you do and you do it all with Gusto!
3. Tenderness. Avery you have a heart of gold and your hugs, smiles and snuggles could melt even the hardest of hearts. 
4. Fun-loving. You look for the fun in every situation and you're always trying to turn the mundane into fun!
5. Prayerful. Avery, we love that you are the first to ask to pray for someone that you know is hurting. You always volunteer to say our evening prayer and you just love to talk to Jesus. 
Avery we know that God has special plans for you. You have a gift to attract people's attention and give yourself a stage. We pray that you will allow God to show you how to do that to His Glory!

1. Compassion. Lauren you are one of the most compassionate people we know! It seems that you instictively know when someone is hurting and in need of a hug!
2. Thoughtfulness. Lauren you love to leave notes for your family and you are so good at sending cards and letters to relatives who live far away. What a special gift to think of others before yourself so much! You just love to make people happy!
3. Patience. Lauren you are so patient with your siblings and we are so grateful for that. Way to go!
4. Friendly. Lauren you make friends so easily and you give your all to those friendships. This might make your heart easily broken at times but never stop giving 100% to those you love. Don't be afraid to love with all your heart. 
5. A Thirst for Knowledge. We love how you love to learn! You work hard at learning new things and to gain knowledge on things you already know about. We love to see how hard you work at school, and Awana. We also love it that you are always asking questions. 
Sweet Lauren, God has something big in store for your life. He will no doubt use you wherever you will let Him. Continue to crave the knowledge of Him and to give 100% to your passions and He will surely answer all that you ask.