Sunday, July 01, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday, Contessa Caroline!

Oh Contessa, Im in such denial about you turning 4 that I almost put a 3 on your cake! 
If Daddy hadn't been there it would have been a big mix-up! 

Sweetheart you are our firecracker and our sparkle. 
You can light up any room with your striking blue eyes and long beautiful hair. 

But at the same time you are stubborn, sassy, independent, and ornery! 
Probably our only child to ever look me in the eye and scream NO! 

You are a lover of fun and adventure. 
You enjoy running after your siblings and trying to be big. 

You were so excited to turn 4. 
And so ready for the things you are sure will come with this big number!

Contessa, I swear when they laid you in my arms I knew you'd give us a run for our money. 
You were strong and squirmy from the very beginning...our worst sleeper and our best cuddlier. 

You scream when you are mad and it drives me completely crazy. 
But you say the sweetest I love you's and constantly tell me you think I'm 'bootiful'. 

You are Daddy's girl...BIG TIME.

And Mommy's headache. :)
And I wouldn't change that for anything.

Contessa Caroline we love you and everything you do to keep our house on its toes and LOUD. 

We are forever in your corner and always cheering you on. 
Happy 4th Birthday baby. 
Love Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Tess!!!