Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Like with everything else with Avery, when she is sick, she is VERY sick.

Avery has had a horrible cough for 1.5 weeks. Yesterday it turned into a fever, no energy, no appetite and vomitting. This morning she was laying on the bathroom floor with tears flowing from her eyes. But she wasnt making a single noise. I bent down and stroked her head and said, 'Sweetie, what hurts the most?' She responded, 'Mommy, my throat hurts worser than ever.'
We made a trip to the doctor. I said, she is showing me classic Avery signs for strep. The doctor looked in her throat and said no way but did the strep test anyway.

Yep, strep.

Avery has had 2 doses of antibiotic and is now jumping off the couch yelling, 'Ta Da!!!!'
Lauren said, 'I thought you were sick?!'

Like I said, it is always extreme.

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