Friday, December 07, 2007


Sullivan had an appointment with EDI this morning. We havent been there since September.
We were there all of 10 minutes. Our therapist, Jamie watched him and asked me a few questions, talked to Sully and then showed me his progress chart. She showed how far off he had been when we started in June and then how he is exactly where he should be now for his age in almost every area.
She said, "Congratulations, you've graduated, I hope I never see you again, at least not in this office!"

My heart cannot express my joy. I cant wait to see what else God has in store for my boy.


Melanie said...

Yeah!!! Congrats on the good news! I bet the smile still hasn't left your face!

Andrea Dellit said...

congrats, Sully!! {and mom and dad, too!}