Sunday, December 09, 2012

Signs of the Season

There are signs of Christmas all around our home. 
Today we woke up to snow!!! 

The kids were so thrilled and Jordan and I were loving seeing how magical it is to them. 

And we were all excited to show Tori her first snowfall that she can enjoy. 
What is this stuff?

She was into it right away!

I get to throw it at Daddy!?!?!

And I can throw it at my sister and not get in trouble!?!?

Look out Mommy! 


Got you too Daddy! 

Mmm, we can eat it too! 

There are signs inside too. 
Reading all our special Christmas stories. 

They love looking through all the books every year...and acting like little angels! ha. 

Bringing out the Fisher Price Nativity is always one of my favorite 'gifts'. 
The kids are all in love with it and it seems I'm always finding one of them under there. 
I love how they rearrange the people and there is always a big crowd around the baby to try and take him in. 

We did a fun Christmas craft today...Grinch faces...How would you make a Grinch smile?

In keeping with that theme our gift for today was watching the Grinch tonight and eating some candy and popcorn. Why cant December have a couple more weeks in it? 

As usual as I'm enjoying all the scenes and moments of Christmas with my kids there is a piece of my heart thinking of the past. Of Christmases of my childhood, time with family, my grandparents, mom and dad. I usually shed tears each day as I remember what has passed.
Nothing can make me miss my dad like Christmas.
Its so powerful it literally hurts my heart.
But I remember how blessed I am. 
Not only for my present day.
But for my past...for my childhood that was 'perfect'. 
Thank you mom and dad for giving me so many moments to remember and cherish. 
I pray we are doing the same with our kids. 

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