Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cute/Not Cute

Here is an example of Sullivan being cute:
Last night we were driving home from Cedar Falls and he kept asking where his shadow was. He didn't like our explanation of why it doesnt come out at night. He really likes his shadow and talks about it often.

Here is an example of Sullivan being Not cute:
He is obsessed with my camera and is always asking to take pictures. Sometimes I let him. On Friday I told him no. My camera was sitting on the dishwasher.
I haven't seen it since. I'm fairly certain he took it after I told him no. We cant find it anywhere.

Not happy.

But he is so cute.

But WHERE is my camera!?!?!


Anonymous said...

I think sometimes they do things JUST because they know it will be irritating. But, they are so cute. Such a paradox.

Shannon/Jodi said...

Check the toaster.