Friday, January 23, 2009


Sully and Tess had their respective 3 year and 6 month well child appts today.

Tess couldn't get her shots due to the lingering virus...she had a temp again this am. But has been quite happy since Tuesday. She now has a nasty cough to go along with it though.
She is 15lb 14 oz and 25 3/4 inches long. Growing!!!! She's just over 50% for everything.

Sullivan remains LONG and LEAN!!!
32.2 lbs and 39 1/4 inches tall. 50% for weight and 95% for height. Sully impressed the doctor by naming all his colors but white and by picking out a triangle, square and circle. Sully seems to be growing up right before our eyes! He talked the ENTIRE time we were in the office. Our Dr. commented, "well I guess you aren't concerned about his speech and language development!"

I had Avery measured and weighed while we were there too and she is 1.5 inches taller than Sully and weighs less than 2 pounds more than him. The nurses commented that they could practically pass for twins anymore. I agree, I've even been asked that a couple of times in the past few months.

I like to compare the others when they were babies:
At six months
Lauren: cant find the silly book!!! Its on the cold porch I believe.
Avery: 14lb 14 oz and 25 1/2 inches
Sully: 18 lbs and 27 3/4 inches

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