Friday, January 09, 2009

Random Friday stories

1. I had a chiropractor appt. this morning and as we were in the waiting room Sullivan was using a toy camera and taking pictures of all the other waiting patients. He went up to an elderly man sitting next to me and said, "Say Cheeseburgers!"
The man smiled the sweetest smile.
Then Sully turned the camera over (to view the picture of course) and said, "Oh, that's a cute one man."
The little man laughed and told Sullivan that he had just made his entire day.

So sweet.

2. Then once we were in the actual treatment room and we were once again waiting. Avery was really studying the pictures of skeletons and bones on the walls. She was asking all sorts of questions about their placement in the body and what we use them for.
Then she was quite for awhile and she turned to me and said, "Well, where is the penis."

Not so sweet. But SO hilarious. (and we need to have a talk, I know.)

1 comment:

Cassie said...

oh my. i'm dying laughing here.
i so wish i could hear that "talk"!