Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just right...

We had a just about perfect weekend. A great mixture of time at home, time with family, friends and getting a few projects done. While I don't want it to end, I feel refreshed and just right....ready for the coming week...although not the frigid temps that are on the way.

On another, funnier note:
Today we had family pictures with Jordan's family and when we got home Sully had a dry diaper and hadn't had it changed in like 3 hours. So I figured he'd HAVE to go.
He's been sitting just like this for an hour and 1/2 now...watching Annie.

Seriously, JUST GO!


Melanie said...

oh that is funny stuff!

The Siegerts said...

Too funny! We have the exact same picture - only it is Owen sitting on the potty chair. Maybe they should spend the day together, sitting on the potty - watching movies.