Sunday, January 04, 2009

My blessings

As I've taken a little time to look back on 2008 one thing sticks out to me that I am not happy with:
I have a great talent for taking my greatest blessings and turning them into my biggest burdens.
God has given me much. Much more than I deserve and much more than I even acknowledge.

So my prayer for 2009 is that God will show me, teach me to see my blessings as blessings. That He will use me to bless those I come across and have a positive upbeat attitude...not the tired one that usually comes out.

In the end what I am desiring is for these blessings of mine to feel like blessings. That they will not feel like burdens. That they will know they are the reason I get out of bed each day. That when they look into my eyes they will see the love and devotion that I feel in my heart for them. They will know when they drift off to sleep at night, that I am anxious to start the new day with them and to see what God has in store for our family.

Blessings, not burdens. I have so very MUCH.

And with that, Welcome 2009!


Cassie said...

happy happy new year!

Courtney said...

love that. simple. but perfect.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... great thoughts, Becky. Even when I feel the tiredness and am weary - I need to act in an attitude of gratitude. I, too, want my children to know that I delight to spend time with them.