Sunday, January 18, 2009


It seems that in most families you have the kids who get sick a lot, and then the ones that seem to either avoid sickness all together or get it in much lesser amounts.

Lauren was sick with many ear infections her 2nd year of life. But other than that has been healthy as a horse.

Avery was sick a ton, every winter for what seemed like 10 years. Just like everything with Avery, when she is sick it is extreme. We were in the ER with her a lot. But now she seems to have grown out of that.

Sully had RSV as a 1 week old but beyond that rarely is sick and if he is it tends to last less than 12 hours.

Tess had a cold at like 2 months old with a fever. She had RSV and an ear infection at Christmas and then was sick AGAIN this weekend. She seems to be following after Avery in the sickness category.

She was very cranky on Friday and I thought she must be teething. But that night she got a fever of over 101. I couldnt get it to go down. In fact even with Tylenol and Motrin, it continued to rise. Saturday morning we decided to take her to Urgent Care because I just could not get the fever down. I've never had one whose fever I couldnt get down. And as strange as it sounds for me to say this after having 3 other babies...Ive never dealth with an infant with a high temp before! She was pathetic. She would just lay in my arms and wimper and then fall totally asleep to wake up again and just wimper.

So Jordan, Tess and I braved the HORRID road conditions and headed over. They did every test imaginable to the poor thing. Blood tests, RSV test again. In the end - virus. We got home and suddenly, wow, the fever was much lower and she slept much better last night. I only got up with her once and when I did her fever was gone. So hopefully this sickness is over.

But I'm seeing a trend with this one...she is going to get our attention...and keep us on our toes!


Meghan said...

Tess, Aubrey and Emerson are all experiencing this right now. I was home with Emerson on Thursday. Took her to the doc....virus. She had the same thing, fever I couldnt get down. Jamie, Aubreys mom called me about 30 minutes ago asking how long Emersons lasted because Aubrey woke up with a fever today. I am glad they are friends at school, but they dont have to share this crap! Hope she gets better soon. Emerson was better in a 2 days, but now has a very runny nose.

Beckysblog said...

I'm actually glad to know that someone else had the same thing...
I was wondering if there was more going on or if really was just a virus.

So SICK of winter!

Anonymous said...

Channing had a similar virus about 2 weeks ago and now we are all recovering from the stomach flu/rotovirus type thing for the 2nd time this winter.....Yuck! I hope Tess feels better soon and I hope spring comes fast!!!

Beckysblog said...

Oh Jamie! I'd take just about anything over the stomach flu. There is nothing worse when you've got little kids!