Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sixty Years!

Today Jordan's grandparents, Papa Joe and Grandma Elaine, are celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary.

60 years.

From the day I met them I would have described them as adorable. Their love for each other has always been unmistakeable. They care for each other, talk sweet to each other and look out for each other. I see them exhibt great kindness to one another that I doubt many couples do after 60 years. They are an example for all of us to follow.

Quite sometime ago Lauren drew and colored this picture of them. I love how she got right down to the details of their wedding rings and the jewelry that Elaine is wearing. She captured them perfectly. Even the absense of some hair on Joe's head!

Congratulations Joe & Elaine. 60 years together, may we all make it there as happily as the two of you. What a legacy you have given to your family.

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