Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or Treat

Another Halloween, we're all another year older.
Is there any other night of the year that is so tiring?

Lauren (Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, complete with rubby red slippers) LOVES Halloween because dressing up is her most favorite thing in the entire world.

Avery (a tiger - very fitting!) LOVES Halloween because eating candy is her most favorite thing in the entire world.

Sully (a pumpkin - we had the costume and it sort of fit so we used it!) tolerated his first Halloween very well!

Jordan and I (party poopers did not dress up) survived. It was a lot of fun and very very cute, but man I am exhausted!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

so sweet. actually i love halloween! but i didn't even dress up this year.