Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not just a stump...

I am currently taking a Beth Moore bible study on Daniel. First let me say if you have the opportunity to take one of her studies - DO IT!
Tonight's lesson was on Daniel 4 - Nebuchadnezzar's second dream, which Daniel interprets. It predicts Nebuchadnezzar's downfall. Daniel interprets the dream which shows a huge tree - very prosperous - which is cut down, its branches and leaves and fruit are taken away. And as we see, this down fall does come to Nebuchadnezzar. What is easy to miss is that the stump of the tree which is cut down - is not left to die. No, God coveres it in bronze and iron - to protect it - preserve it. Daniel 4: 23.
Beth used this to encourage all of us who have felt cut down. Who have been disciplined by God, or are going through a trial of great pressure. God did not cut down the tree just to leave it. No, he preserved it. Because in the end God's goal is for regrowth, and then fruit. I found a lot of encouragement in that.
It also made me think of my mom. Not that I believe God has cut her down in discipline, but that her trial is great. I know since my dad died I myself have felt like a stump. So I am sure she feels even more like that - that all the branches, the leaves the fruit, all the good she has to offer - has been taken away. And she is left as a stump. But God shows us so beautifully through Daniel 4, that that is not how he intends to leave us. In fact the regrowth can be more beautiful than what we ever had to offer before. I have no doubt that He has my mom protected in iron and bronze and she will grow again. She already is in fact, which is all the more beautiful.

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