Thursday, July 26, 2007


I was getting ready this morning and Lauren came running up the stairs sobbing. Mommy!!! I have a loose tooth!

She was so scared by it! I explained that losing a tooth is a good thing. When I took a look inside her mouth I was suprised. Not only is the tooth VERY loose. But the big tooth is already in! How did we not notice this? We had to call Daddy and both grandmas. They were all equally excited! :)

Now I know I need to get a grip, big time! But really, I cried. She is growing up before my eyes, a little each day. I want her to be 2. Forever.


Melanie said...

Wow!! that is so exciting!! Once she finds the money under her pillow she'll be excited for the next one to go too:).

Joe Earle said...

Wow..."2" forever?

Anonymous said...

Sure, Lauren was WAY easy at 2.

Avery not so much.