Thursday, July 19, 2007

My downfalls...

My two largest downfalls are that I get anxious over things I cannot change and that I am impatient. Not a good combination.

After finding out that there is nothing 'wrong' with Sullivan, my patience was through. My mind is screaming, "Get up and walk then!"
We took Sully to our chiropractor, and good friend, yesterday. He said Sully was an inch off in his legs and that his bottom vertebrae were turned, especially the last three. So he worked on him and we are going back next week. After watching Sully he feels that he is REALLY close to walking.

I asked him how he felt about us getting braces for Sully and he said that with braces his concern is always that a child will learn to depend on them and not on their own stregnth. That Sully wouldnt be learning to use his own muscles to walk. He sees them as a last resort. After some thinking and praying on that we have decided to give Sully a month before doing the braces.

We agree that Sullivan is close to walking and I think that a lot of the problem now is actually in his head! He doesnt know he can do it and since he is so fast at crawling and climbing, he sees no reason to try. I dont want to do more harm then good by putting him in braces every waking second at this point.

Of course I am second guessing myself, but I think this is the right choice for now. And we will reevaluate in a month.

I dont think my mind has turned off of Sully in the past 6 weeks. My mind is tired! :) But when I think of what some parents go through - with serious problems surrounding their children...I am humbled. I know how blessed I am. And really, I am trying to be patient. Just walk already kid!


Anonymous said...

Sullivan is one of them most determined kids I know. Once he decides that he WANTS to walk, he's going to take off so fast we'll never be able to catch him :) The only thing I ask is that you tell the little guy to wait until Sunday morning at church before he starts walking on his own so I can be there to see him!

Remember, God has a plan for Sullivan and the rest of your family in all of this. Romans 8:28

Still praying,

Chris/Stew; Brenda said...

One of my best friends and her husband are chiros and they are really great. I know they see a lot of children. It's kind of too bad more people don't always think of a chiropractor. I think you'll be surprised in how much he helps. Good luck!
Brenda Stewart (Cassie's sister-in-law)