Monday, July 16, 2007

Mr. Mature

This weekend Jordan got a little carried away with a water fight and as usual when he gets carried away I asked him why he always seems to take things just past the point of disaster? Why cant he learn to stop while it is still fun and before people are mad or crying? I may have told him to grow up...I know, that was not being a very good wife, but seriously he had gone too far! :)
Well to retaliate against me he took Avery inside while I didnt know it and let her at some of the things she is not allowed to get at and then took pictures of it all. The two of them had a great time. Like I said, Mr. Mature. He takes our most impressionable child, the one who does NOT need to be taught to do these things, or given ANY ideas and encourages the naughtiness!
Here is the proof...

Here she is standing on the counter getting into a cupboard she always wants to play in.

Holding a decorative plate. Did I mention breakable?

Holding a decorative figurine.

Again, breakable.

Yep, breakable.


Melanie said...

Hmmm, what of his can you have Avery get into??? What can we do to his golf clubs? Or favorite ISU shirt?

Anonymous said...

Oh that is a great idea! I'll have to have my own little photo shoot tonigh!

Jennie Peakin said...

Ha...I am laughing out loud! That was a pretty creative idea on Jordan's part! Sounds like something Sean would do!

Anonymous said...

men ARE usually pretty mature at this age...whatever!

Andrea Dellit said...

Oh, I love it...What a brat, that Jordan! I like Melanie's idea! Get him back!