Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Sixth Birthday, Lauren Elaine!

Lauren, how is it possible that you are six years old today? When I look back over the past years it seems that it has all been in fast forward. You are becoming an extraordinary young lady! Your dad and I are so very proud of you.
We have loved watching you learn and shine in kindergarten, you are definitely a natural for learning new things and making new friends - a social butterfly! I love how you enjoy playing with so many different kids at school, even the boys! Your sense of humor makes you so special. You can make us laugh so easily.

You have always been a little bit 'too good'. There are times during the day when I have to stop and wonder, now where is Lauren? And there I'll find you playing quietly or even standing right next to me and I didn't even know you were around. I suppose with your chatterbox sister and rambunctious brother you have learned to wait your turn and not get too excited about things. But don't forget to speak up for yourself now and then too! Thank you for being the most wonderful big sister. Avery calls you her best friend and I pray that you will always have a special bond that only sisters can know.

What I truly love about you is your sweet and tender heart. You can be hurt easily and that is not always good. But you are the first to offer a sympathetic hug or smile. You seem to instinctively know when someone is down and needing a pick me up. What a special gift you have to lift the spirits of others. I will always treasure that about you. I know that Jesus has special plans for your life. I pray that you will learn to trust him with all your heart, soul and mind. I pray that you will find your most treasured friendship with your personal savior and that you will forever serve him.

Happy sixth birthday you special little girl!

Lauren at 18 months. Where does the time go?


Melanie said...

What a sweet picture! I remember her when she was so small...seems like yesterday! I'll never forget the day she was born; the ups and downs of that day. Lauren was definitely worth the wait!:)

Andrea Dellit said...

Happy B-Day again to Lauren!

You know, she came out so great because she has great parents!
