Friday, November 02, 2007

Tis the season

Jordan woke up with some violent stomach flu. Sully and Avery and I had plans to head to CF and take Sully for an ear infection recheck and flu shot. Then we were going to meet Melanie and Jalen at the mall in the playland and then get lunch.

We got to the dr. and Sullivan was being totally normal and then out of no where he puked ALL OVER me and the nurse. It was awful.
So we called Melanie and said, dont meet us! And headed home. Sully is actually acting fine now...hmmm....
Jordan on the other hand is NOT fine!

We have plans to take the girls to the school musical tonight - Disney's High School Musical and tomorrow Jordan and I were supposed to go out for the day to celebrate our anniversary which is next week.

Im thinking my plans are going to be changed.

I am so not ready for the cold and flu season!

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