Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

My list of things to be thankful for could be really long today. 
I'll try to keep it to the ones at the front of my heart:

1. We have a special birthday in our family today, we'll be celebrating tonight. Lets just say I'm pretty thankful that 32 years ago a certain baby boy was born.
2. Its going to be in the upper 70's today.
3. I leave tomorrow for a girls get away to Chicago!!! I'll admit I've been struggling with 'momhood' lately. About a month ago I was in a weepy stage of feeling like I just couldnt mother 4 kids. That has gone and been replaced with this horrible feeling that while I know I CAN do it, there are a lot of moments that I just plain dont WANT to do it. Selfish. Horrible. Being completely ungrateful for the 4 most amazing blessings I've been given. I know I need a break. I think this weekend should help. A lot. I plan to laugh and forget responsibilities for 48 hours! 
4. no tv. we switched our cable off this week and I'm already loving it. I love that there is no temptation to turn the tv on. Last night after the kids were in bed we just read. I cannot tell you what that does for my heart. 
5. This is a big one too...its these 4 little feet - belonging to Avery and Sullivan. They are having a blast outside today and even though I mentioned some frustrations I've been dealing with, we are having a great day. We've been dancing, singing and laughing. And oh how I do love them. Their smiles bring tears to my eyes and a lightness to my heart. While the things they do raise my blood pressure, they also give me a fullness of life that I would never have known without them!

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Talk about thankful...I am thankful to have friends like you and to be able to read these...Becky, I love reading how you take moments to think about and talk about the things that you love. It's priceless...I also love your honesty and candidness and willingness to say that sometimes, I just can't or don't want to do this...whatever "this" may be. We all have those days....But you my dear, handle them with grace. Even though you probably don't feel like it :) Rather than put on your happy face and stroll through the day pretending that "everything's great!" today, you face what you are feeling, allow yourself to walk through it and know that somewhere in the future is the other side and things will feel right again. I know a lot of people who are not blessed with the ability to do this. I would like to think I try to do this most of time and am reminded every time you talk about that it's ok...we are all human and we all have THOSE days :)

Thank you, friend.