The plan for Friday was for me and these sweet babies to stay home and bake...
While Jordan took these three big kids to the last ISU game.
(They weren't excited or anything!)
Instead at 1:00 Jordan came flying into the house telling us he got 3 extra tickets and we were all going.
Let me explain my hesitations....I had not showered...the three of us were infact still in our jammies.
It was in the LOW 30's and WINDY! Tori needed a nap. Tori is 2. Taking a 2 year old to a college football game is not fun even in nice weather.
But I sucked it up. Threw on some clothes and make up and we raced out the door.
Unfortunately, Tori decided immediately upon entering the stadium that this was the last place she wanted to be.
Seriously, this is what she did...on the cold cement.
And would not move.
Everyone around was starring at us like we were insane...because we were.
Thankfully for me...this was all very funny to me and I did not freak out.
We started out on the hill...thinking maybe space to play might be better for the kids.
Cute sisters.
VERY excited Father and Son.
Then Jordan spotted some seats way up high and totally win protected!
We took advantage.
These four were so good and had so much fun.
This one did this...or sat on my lap and bawled for the entire 1st quarter and most of the 2nd.
She does not do this regularly.
She would not wear her mittens.
She was FRIGID!
Sullivan really got into the game.
Its very fun to have a boy.
And he loved when House of Pain's "Jump Around" came on.
She loved that song too!
Clearly, so did Torrance.
So grown up.
Then suddenly she decided she was going to have fun!
She was dancing and jumping.
Cheesing it up!
Sullivan was mad when we left early...he was the only one!
So to recap...never, ever take a 2 year old to a freezing cold football game.
But if you do...make the best of it and laugh.
Oh, and Go Cyclones!