Thursday, November 15, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 15 - Happy 11th Birthday Lauren Elaine Edition!

Today I am thankful for my first born, Lauren Elaine!
She is 11 today!

Lauren I could give you a very long list of the things I miss about my tiny blonde baby, toddler and preschooler...
But I am going to instead focus on all the things that I love about my TALL, blonde, TWEEN!

Lauren its no secret that we are beyond proud of you. 
You always amaze us. 
You are dependable and wise. 
You are funny and considerate. 
You are silly and responsible. 

You lead your siblings with such natural ease. 
Sometimes you seem to be able to handle our chaotic life even better than your mom. 

Your littlest sisters look to you for comfort and fun.
They adore you.

Lauren, with each passing day I see more and more how much fun it is to have 'older' kids. Thank you for showing me that while I can be sad about leaving the 'little' years...I have so much to look forward to!
I love to talk about REAL things with you.
I love to see your heart and what is important to you.
I love to dream about your future with you.
I love to see you figure out life and ask for our help.
I LOVE to laugh with you and share inside jokes with you.
I love to shop and bake with you.
I love to read the bible and talk about it with you.
I love to listen to your stories about your day.
I love how you love adventure but only within reason...
I love that you are afraid of scary movies!
I love that you look out for everyone around you...and I hope you'll let your guard down more too!
I've loved school with you this year..and learning about other countries and cultures with you and to see your heart break for some of the people we have learned about. Your heart is so very sweet and kind. God will do great things with it I am sure.

Lauren when I became a mom I wanted a sweet, adorable baby.
God gave me that...and then kept giving...He gave me you...the most amazing and beautiful young lady I could have ever imagined.
We are constantly told that we are lucky to have you...and we are well aware of it without being told!
Everyone should be so lucky as to have a Lauren Elaine in their house.

Thank you again, for making us want to try harder each day.
Thank you for being the leader of our pack and our sweet, tender daughter.

There simply could not be parents more in love with their daughter!
We think you are simply one of blessed we are that you came to live with us!  


Meghan said...

Happy birthday Lauren. I can only pray that my little girlies would be just like you.

Ellie said...

She is beyond lovely!!