Thursday, March 07, 2013

our baby

Oh Torrance Reagan. 

This poor child. 
She has a bad rap. 
Its deserved...but it still seems unfair...cause she's my baby. 

She is a terror. 
A terror.

If there is a mess to be made - she makes it. 
A dangerous tall object to climb - she climbs it. 
A seat belt or car seat strap to wriggle out of - houdini she is. 
A treacherous spot to miraculously get to - she's there. 
A full kleenex box to empty for no reason - done.
A puddle to jump or sit in - of course.
A bead to shove somewhere bad - been there, done that
A tiny spot to get stuck in or a door to lock and become trapped behind - call the fire department
A way to get drenched completely at the Science Center, while the 6 other kids in attendance with you stay dry - you bet, she's soaked. 
A public event to scream at - oh yeah.
A dangerous parking lot to run away from me in - bye mom.
A purse to rifle through - done before you even sat down.
A box of crackers to dump out and stomp all over - better add that to the grocery list. 
A friend to claw, out of love of course - get the Neosporin ready. 

She's the only child I've had who made me actually think, 'you know those leashes they have for kids? Those really ARE a good idea!

I have said if she were my first, she would have been my only. 

Oh my word she gets me. 
But then she smiles. 
And giggles like only she can do.
And I'm done. 
I'm laughing at antics the older kids could never dream of getting away with. 

And she is so very snuggly. 
She finds my lap every night...blankies in hand, thumb in mouth.
And she is mommy's girl. 
Also my first one of those. 
She pats my face and says, I wub oh too.
She rubs my cheeks and snuggles her tiny body into mine for hugs and doesn't let go. 
She plays with my hair as I rock her at night. 
And she calls me, 'Mama'. And it is the sweetest noise I've ever heard. 
I love that. 

And even at the end of a day where I wanted to muzzle and straight jacket her...
I find myself praying God will stop time and let me keep her at age two. 

Oh Torrance, you have me. 
My baby you'll always be. 

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