Sunday, September 08, 2013


Sully was SO excited for his first soccer game of the season on Saturday. 
He was determined that this would be the game for his first goal. 

We've waited and bit our lips at so many NEAR goals. 
I was anxious for him to score too. 
It meant SO much to him. 

And he did!!!
He was so excited. He jumped and had the biggest and best smile on his face. 
He had 'Sullivan excitement' over it. 
And if you know Sully you know what that means. 
The kid can get excited like no one else I know. 
I jumped up off my seat myself. 
I was in tears. 
I think Grandma, sitting beside me, was too. 
Dad and Grandpa were pretty pumped as well! 

I said right there they should have just taken him out of the game. 
He was too excited to focus. ;)

I love this boy.
There is absolutely nothing like him. 
He loves life. 

Before the game Jordan had a piece of pie and Sully asked if he could have one. 
Jordan said not till after the game. 
Then they made a deal that if he scored, he'd get a REALLY big piece. 

Such a fun parenting see his dream come true! 


Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Way to go, Sully! You have been waiting for this day for YEARS, and I am so glad it was all you dreamed it would be :) Isaiah was jealous about that giant piece of pie!

Ellie said...

YAY Sully!