Sunday, February 24, 2013


Saturday afternoon while the 3 older girls and I were at the dance show, Jordan was home with Sullivan and Torrance. 
I received a text from him asking 'Who left the nail polish bottle on the stairs?'
I pretty much knew right then that I did not want to come home. 

In case you were wondering, the following pictures will show you what it looks like when your 2 year old launches a nail polish grenade at your 7 year old's head. 

Jordan did an awesome job of cleaning it all up before I even got home. 
All the parts that he could anyway. 
Sully was covered...its still in his hair. 
It is on my wood floor, but luckily only a few spots. 
It got on my BRAND NEW AREA RUG...and Jordan somehow got that out. 

From the top of the stairs the bottle hit the upper part of the door frame below first. 
This is where it shattered.
(please note...the walls and trim in this area of our home have needed to be painted since we moved ignore what the that looks like and focus on the blood, er, I mean nail polish.)

Honestly, it was like coming home to a horrible crime scene. 

The carpet on the steps is hideous...however I didn't want to replace it...
I was leaving that for the next owner!

Beyond the mess the house REEKED like nail polish and gave me a horrible headache. 
Needless to say, I am pretty sure Jordan will never forget this event! 

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